Why You Should Seal Your Illinois Criminal Record This Summer

Taking the step to seal your criminal record in Illinois could be a transformative decision, especially during the summer months when many are planning for future opportunities. Sealing your record can significantly improve your privacy and prevent most people from seeing your past encounters with the law.

Why You Should Seal Your Illinois Criminal Record This Summer

The warm months are often seen as a time for renewal and fresh starts. Sealing your criminal record can be part of your journey towards a brighter future. If you’ve faced barriers due to past mistakes, sealing your record could help in reducing their impact, especially as you seek new employment or education opportunities.

This guide explains the following:

  • Timing your application
  • Eligibility for sealing
  • Benefits of sealing your record
  • The sealing process
  • How to maintain your privacy

Here’s a closer look at each.

Timing Your Application

Summer is a great time to apply for sealing your record. You might find that you have more free time to gather the necessary documents and meet with a lawyer to discuss your case.

Related: Chicago expungement information

Eligibility for Sealing

In Illinois, not all criminal records can be sealed. Generally, you can seal arrests, dropped charges, and most misdemeanors. Convictions for more serious offenses, such as violent crimes or DUIs, are typically not eligible. Understanding what can and cannot be sealed is crucial before you begin.

Benefits of Sealing Your Record

Sealing your record restricts public access to it, which can ease the process of finding better jobs, securing housing, or furthering your education. While it doesn’t erase the record like expungement, sealing effectively shields it from most background checks.

Related: Can employers find expunged records?

The Sealing Process

The process involves filing a petition with the court, which then reviews your case. This includes checking your eligibility and potentially a court hearing. An experienced attorney can help streamline this process, ensuring that all the paperwork is correctly filed and representing you during court proceedings if necessary.

How to Maintain Your Privacy

Once your record is sealed, it’s important to understand that some entities, like law enforcement and government bodies, can still access it under certain conditions. Maintaining privacy also means managing any digital traces of your past, which might involve requesting the removal of your information from certain websites or databases.

FAQ About Sealing Your Criminal Record in Illinois

Check out these commonly asked questions about sealing your criminal record in Illinois. If you don’t see your question here, please call our office and we’ll find you the answers you need.

What Is the Difference Between Sealing and Expungement?

Sealing hides your record from most public records, while expungement completely destroys the record, removing it as if the incidents never occurred.

Related: Can you seal a sex crime charge in Illinois?

Who Can Access My Sealed Record?

Sealed records are hidden from the general public but can still be accessed by law enforcement agencies and some employers, particularly in sensitive fields.

How Long Does It Take to Seal a Record?

The time it takes to seal a record can vary, but it typically involves several steps such as filing the petition, court review, and possible court proceedings.

Can I Seal a Felony Conviction?

Some felony convictions can be sealed, but it heavily depends on the nature of the offense and the laws in Illinois. Consulting with a lawyer can help you determine your eligibility.

What Should I Do If My Sealing Application Is Denied?

If your application is denied, you may seek legal advice to understand the reasons for the denial and explore your options, which might include reapplying or addressing any factors that led to the denial.

Sealing your criminal record in Illinois can offer a chance to lessen the burden of your past and improve your future prospects. This summer could be the perfect time to start this process, setting you on a path to more opportunities and a better quality of life.


Do You Need to Talk to an Attorney About Expungement or Sealing?

If you’re tired of your criminal past coming back to bite you, we may be able to help. Call us right now at 847-920-4540 or fill out the form below so we can talk about your case.

Need Help? Reach Out Now.

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