What to Ask Your Chicago Expungement Lawyer

If you’re like most people who are interested in getting a Chicago criminal record expunged, you might find that it’s easiest to work with an attorney who already knows the ropes and who’s done it successfully for other people.

But where do you even begin?

What to Ask Your Chicago Expungement Lawyer

You can always ask your attorney anything – he’ll be more than happy to use his in-depth knowledge of Illinois law to help you.

When it comes to expungement, though, there are a few things you should ask your lawyer so you know what to expect throughout the process.

1. Where will you get my criminal record?

You may already have copies; maybe you tried Illinois criminal record clearing before or you had the foresight to get your records on your own. If you don’t have your criminal record, your attorney can usually get it for you.

2. Does my record qualify for expungement?

Not all records do qualify for expungement, but the good news is that many qualify for criminal record sealing in Illinois

3. How long does the expungement process take in Cook County?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, your lawyer will be able to determine how long your case will probably take. It depends on the location, the breadth of your case and the courts’ current schedules. You’ll also have to wait for the clerk of court to process your paperwork; there are some other variables, as well.

Would You Like to Clear Your Criminal Record in Chicago?

Check out our quick questionnaire, “Am I Eligible for Expungement?” to get a head start on the expungement or sealing process. If you may be eligible, call us at 847-920-4540 so we can get started on processing your case. The sooner we petition the court for expungement or sealing, the sooner they can approve it… and the sooner you can get the fresh start that you deserve.