Archives for: October 26th, 2022

What Information Do You Need to Expunge or Seal Your Criminal Record?

If you want to expunge or seal your criminal record, you need specific information from your criminal record. This guide explains what information is necessary and how to get it.

What Information Do You Need to Expunge or Seal Your Criminal Record?

To expunge or seal your criminal record, you need to get certain information, including your:

  • Arrest date
  • The police department that arrested you
  • Offense that caused your arrest
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Can USCIS See Sealed Criminal Records?

If you have a criminal record, you may be wondering if U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) can see it. This guide explains what happens when you seal your criminal record and whether USCIS is able to view it.

Can USCIS See Sealed Criminal Records?

USCIS can see sealed criminal records. Sealing only prevents members of the general public, including employers and landlords, from seeing criminal records. USCIS can use Read More


Can All Criminal Records Be Expunged or Sealed in Illinois?

If you’re like many people, you have an Illinois criminal record following you around – but is it possible to erase or seal some (or all) of your record? This guide explains.

Can All Criminal Records Be Expunged or Sealed in Illinois?

Not all criminal records can be expunged or sealed in Illinois. In fact, some convictions have to remain on your record forever. For example, if you were ever Read More


Can You Expunge Convictions in Illinois?

If you’re like many people, you’re wondering whether you can expunge criminal convictions from your record. This guide explains.

Can You Expunge Convictions in Illinois?

Typically, you can’t expunge convictions, though there are a few exceptions. If your record isn’t eligible for expungement, all’s not lost – it’s possible to seal criminal convictions that aren’t eligible for expungement.

The best way to find out whether you can expunge a conviction Read More


Can Violent Crimes Be Expunged in Illinois?

If you’re like many people, you’ve heard of criminal record expungement. But what if your criminal record includes violent crimes? Can they be expunged? This guide explains.

Can Violent Crimes Be Expunged in Illinois?

Usually, violent crimes must remain on your criminal record. The law doesn’t allow them to be expunged. Some examples of violent crimes include domestic battery, crimes against animals, crimes that require you to register as a Read More


Does a Forcible Felony Stay on Your Record in Illinois?

In the state of Illinois, some felony crimes are considered “forcible felonies.” These crimes, like most other convictions, cannot be expunged from your criminal record. Many of them cannot be sealed, either. This guide explains.

What is a Forcible Felony in Illinois?

Forcible felonies are crimes that typically involve violence, or that result in great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement to another person. For example, homicide, criminal sexual Read More


Do Arrests Show Up on a Background Check?

If you’ve ever been arrested, you have a criminal record. That’s true whether you were let go without being charged for a crime, whether you were charged with a crime, or whether you were actually convicted. The fact is that once police arrest you, you have a record.

Do Arrests Show Up on a Background Check?

Because an arrest kicks off a criminal record, it will show up on a Read More


Clean Up My Record: What is Criminal Record Sealing?

Criminal record sealing is a process that many people go through to make their criminal histories unavailable to the public. When your record is sealed, most people can’t see it – and that means most people won’t even know it’s there.

Clean Up My Record: What is Criminal Record Sealing?

Criminal record sealing is the process of asking a court to lock your criminal record away so that most people Read More


Why Do You Need a Notice of Filing for Expungement and/or Sealing?

If you’re like many people, the prospect of expunging your criminal record sounds great – expungement gives you the fresh start you deserve. No more criminal record hanging over your head, preventing you from getting a good job, finding a place to live, or being accepted to the schools you want to attend.

But the actual process of expunging your criminal record can be complex and time-consuming, which is why Read More


Can You Seal a Theft Conviction in Illinois?

If you’re like many people, you have a criminal history that’s holding you back from doing things you want to do, such as finding a better place to live, getting the right type of job, or even attending school. However, there may be hope: You could be eligible to seal offenses on your criminal record. But can you seal a theft conviction in Illinois? Here’s what you need to know. Read More