Xpunge Chicago, a Division of the Law Offices of Matt FakhouryThis July has welcomed some exceptional news — the expansion of sealing laws in Illinois!  Bill HB3061, formerly HB5723, will soon go into effect and has expanded the eligibility for the sealing of criminal records.

This new law enables those with criminal records to petition the Prisoner Review Board to seal all Class 3 and 4 felony convictions, with the exception of violent, sex, or DUI crimes.  Prior to this new legislation, only Class 4 drug crimes and prostitution convictions were eligible for sealing.  Bill HB3061 will expand the pool of those eligible to seal their criminal records from the public, thereby enabling better access to jobs, housing, and education.

To determine your eligibility under this new legislation, call the Xpunge Chicago today for a free case review.  Calls are confidential and we will handle your case from start to finish.  Do not allow your past to haunt your future — expunge your past and expand your future! 847-920-4540 or XpungeChicago.com

Published On: July 11, 2013Categories: Criminal Records, Expungement, HB 3061