Xpunge Chicago, a Division of the Law Offices of Matt FakhouryAll too often, people are affected by arrests of their past.  Perhaps you made a mistake in your youth, or were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.   Nevertheless, a mistake of the past should not affect your future — herein lies the important of an expungement or sealing.

My clients are often unaware that arrests that resulted in a dismissal, supervision, or acquittal remain on record and can still be accessed by police agencies and the general public.  Most people are not aware that a criminal record can be expunged or sealed under Illinois law.   Those with qualifying arrests, court supervision sentences, and even certain convictions may file a petition with the court to expunge or seal records.

Certain convictions are not eligible for an expungement or sealing.  However, new legislation in Illinois will expand the eligibility of those eligible for a sealing.  At Xpunge Chicago, our ultimate goal is to expunge your past and expand your future.  Former prosecutor Matt Fakhoury will handle your petition from start to finish and vigorously defend you should the state object to the granting of your expungement or sealing. Please call Xpunge Chicago today for a free case review — 847-920-4540.

Published On: June 17, 2013Categories: Criminal Records, Expungement, Records Sealing