Criminal Records

Criminal Records

Xpunge Your Past & Xpand Your Future

Expunge Your Past & Expand Your Future

Can Military Recruiters See Expunged Records?

2024-10-23T12:52:49-05:00January 1, 2025|Categories: Background Checks, Criminal Records, Expungement, Military|Tags: , , , , |

If you're considering joining the military and have a criminal record, you might wonder if military recruiters can see expunged records. The answer is usually no, they cannot see expunged [...]

Can Military Recruiters See Sealed Records in Illinois?

2024-10-23T12:50:05-05:00December 25, 2024|Categories: Criminal Records, Military, Records Sealing, Sealing|Tags: , , , , , |

If you have a sealed record in Illinois and are considering joining the military, you might wonder if military recruiters can see your sealed records. The answer is most likely [...]

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