
Research shows that despite laws put in place that are supposed to make it easier for juveniles to expunge their records, it’s not working out that way—and that can spell disaster for people who committed crimes when they were minors but have since gotten back on track.

According to a report by the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission, for every 1,000 juvenile arrests, only three records are ever destroyed. That includes arrests that didn’t result in convictions, which are supposed to come off a person’s record during a simple process once they reach the age of majority.

Unfortunately, those records are often shared with landlords, potential employers and others. It can be tough for someone with a criminal record to find a place to live, a job, or even to get access to institutions of higher learning—and that can unfairly hold former juvenile offenders back.

In the state of Illinois, the improper sharing of criminal records isn’t a crime. However, it is in many other states. If Illinois adopted measures that criminalized the improper sharing of records, it could have a big impact on the situation.

What Can You Do if You Have a Juvenile Record?

If you have a juvenile record, you could qualify to have it expunged. (You can find out whether you may qualify by filling in our “Do I qualify for expungement?” questionnaire.)

Who Qualifies for Juvenile Record Expungement?

If you were arrested before you turned 18 but you were found “not delinquent,” you could be eligible for an expungement. You could also qualify if you were sentenced to supervision and you successfully completed your sentence, or if you were convicted of crimes that fall under the umbrella of Class B or Class C misdemeanors for adults.

However, you won’t qualify for an expungement if you were found guilty of DUI, first-degree murder, or sex offenses that are felonies for adults.

Let’s Talk About Expunging Your Juvenile Record in Illinois

If you’d like to find out whether you could get a fresh start, call us at 847-920-4540 or contact us online. We’ll give you case-specific advice and begin working on your expungement right away.


Published On: May 9, 2016Categories: Expungement, Juvenile Crimes